LAMPS® (Linked Activity Management Planning System) is a proprietary program / project management tool designed as the hub of i-Expert modules. The system integrates with CATS® and various Microsoft Applications. The innovative LAMPS® approach provides the capability to manage a vast number of individual projects that comprise overall business-level strategies and programs.
The unique LAMPS® design facilitates a controlled and efficient implementation utilizing a standard set of processes and templates. The system is configurable to allow incorporation of client and program requirements. Turning project data into actionable information, the LAMPS® reporting module keeps executive management informed regarding overall progress and project dependencies while compiling the tactical information (schedule, resource and cost) needed by frontline project managers. The LAMPS® application security design provides strict controlled access to update/modify data. Access via LAMPS® to “time now” data and information is provided by read only access to team members and business users.
Related pages:
• CATS® (Corrective Action Tracking System)
• IPIT® (Investigational Product Inventory Tracking)
• Manufacturing Operations
• Research & Development
• Regulatory Compliance
• Project Management
• Operations Improvement